Accessorize the DECKED system to suit your needs

Accessorize the DECKED system to suit your needs

One of the things - among many - that makes DECKED cool is its ability to be accessorized in a way that’ll suit your specific needs. In addition to the variety of accessories we offer, you can use DECKED with a host of interesting and useful products to maximize the efficiency of your vehicle's bed or cargo bay.


Decked FeaturesCore Trax tie-downs Beyond simply providing tie-down points for the top of the deck, the track allows for attachment loops to be placed in 1” increments anywhere along its length, and can feasibly accommodate as many attachment loops as there are 1” increments. Order 58" tracks for the 6'6" system and 48" for the 5'6" system.

T Track tie-downs Mount either Thule or Yakima rack products to the DECKED system with the T Tracks. Similar to the Core Trax, they run the most of the length of the system and are anchored to the steel tubes which run beneath its top deck. Order 58" tracks for the 6'6" system and 48" for the 5'6" system.

Dividers Bisect, trisect, or quadrisect (yes, a dictionary was consulted) the drawers with polypropylene dividers which fit into molded slots. They have small cutouts for tie-down purposes and come in packs of four. PS. a few notches turns them into gun racks.

Locks A locking tailgate will generally keep the casual thief out of a DECKED system, but these cam locks add another layer of security and peace of mind.

Drain plugs Impress your tailgating buddies by filling up a drawer with ice and, uh, O'Douls, and drain it out afterwards. Because a truck bed is usually slanted forwards, these work better in the cabside end of the drawer, which on a long system is hard (read: impossible) to reach. If installed in the tailgate end of the drawer, park on a slight incline (your neighbor's driveway, maybe) and they’ll work fine.

D-box D-boxes are ultra durable, gasket sealed toolboxes designed to make organizing and using the DECKED system that much easier. Plus, they double as floating champagne caddies (link). Fit two in a short (5’5”) drawer, and 3 in a long (6’6”).

Crossbox  Half the size of the D-Box, the durable, waterproof DECKED Crossbox (tool box) maximizes drawer storage efficiency and organization, utilizing an interlocking, nested design. It's designed to fit all DECKED drawers: crosswise in wide full-size and midsize drawers and lengthwise in narrow midsize drawers.

D-Box Top sectionCrossbox

Non-DECKED accessories

Whatever your DECKED needs, we - or someone else - probably has you covered. Have a wild idea about how to use your system? We’re always interested in figuring out new ways to use it (and in having new guinea pigs), so give us a call and we’ll do our best to help you figure it out.   

Decked with gun side viewDecked With Gun


If you are looking for a secure, convenient way to transport of your gun, bow or other gear - consider attaching Koplin Double Rhino Grips inside the DECKED drawer(s).

Strong, flexible static grips and rubber straps securely hold tools and gear of various configurations. Heavy-duty design carries guns, bows, fishing poles, shovels, farm tools, etc. Mounts on any surface - ATV racks, hard boxes, garage walls, truck beds, just about anywhere. You can purchase them from the KOPLIN SITE or from AMAZON.

Note: you will need a 1 1/4" long with a 1/4" diameter and 20 thread screw and a 1/4" 20 nut and a lock washer to make the Koplin racks compatible with the DECKED drawers. Purchase the screws here: LOW PROFILE SCREWS


Other truck and van accessories mesh well with the DECKED system, too. It doesn’t interfere with any side-rail mounted ladder racks, toppers or most tonneau covers, and can be used in conjunction with many shallower crossover toolboxes (the system is 12” high, so depending on bed depth, generally leaves enough room for something). There are BedSlide and CargoGlide SKUs whose mounting patterns align with the steel tubes under the system’s deck, and any number of different shelving products which can be fixed to those same steel tubes.

Click here for 8' bed crossover toolbox details.

Decked Drawers OpenTOPPER

Really - and this does, depending on the type of install, have “negative implications” for the warranty - there’s likely a way to mount almost anything on top of a DECKED system; there are two different ways of of anchoring to it: one is by screw, through the top, deck facing side of the tubes beneath the deck - how our T-tracks and Core Trax are mounted - and the other is with a nut and bolt clear through both sides of the tube. The second is what we’d recommend for anything with significant or cantilevered weight like a BedSlide or CargoGlide. 

At DECKED we are all about the instructions. W


Besides all that, there are a number of other ways a DECKED system can be customized to work for you. Quick Fist rubber clamps, for example, can be fixed to the sides of the drawers and used to secure longer or heavier items, and an array of tool boxes and organizers are available which fit snugly inside (we’ve heard this one works well). You could sling a mini gear hammock from one side of a drawer to the other, attach a gun rack to the bottom, or even install a super handy toilet paper holder; let the DECKED system be the canvas to your organizational creativity... See our best practices here:



Decked Is Orgainized

Scott Martin and his many tackle boxes.



A match made in storage heaven. 

DECKED D-Boxes are ultra durable, gasket sealed, weatherproof toolboxes designed to make organizing and using the DECKED system that much easier. Fit two in a short (5’5”) drawer, and three in a standard (6’6”) drawer. 

Kaizen Foam Inserts are a great way to further customize our weatherproof D-Box toolbox. Set your D-Boxes to hold hand tools, cordless tool sets, fishing tackle, emergency gear, your camping kitchen, bug-out kit or whatever else you can imagine.

Here is a link to Kaizen inserts ($16.75) custom fit for the DECKED D-Box: Kaizen for DECKED

D-Box Screwdrivers

Decked with Drills

Decked Drawer with Drills

 Watch the DECKED D-Box in action:

Reading next

DECKED Cargo Van Systems Compatible with Shelving and Racking Units
Why do you have a tonneau?

Made in the USA

100% Weatherproof

Recycled Steel

Lifetime Warranty