DECKED Real Customers: Theo Stein

DECKED Real Customers: Theo Stein

Theo SteinTHEO STEIN: Hunting Dog Trainer

Theo Stein is a recovering journalist [resume includes the Denver Post, Colorado DOW, and US Fish and Wildlife Service] who presently serves as Public Affairs Officer for NOAA in Boulder, CO. His passion for wildlife and the outdoors led him to raising and training two award-winning German Shorthair Pointers, Rocco and Isabel. Realizing early on that hunting with poorly trained dogs was a good way to lose hunting buddies, Theo dove headfirst into gun dog training when he was assigned to launch a pheasant hunting school with the Colorado DOW. He just finished up a four-year stint as the president of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association. 

“I got Rocco in 2012 from Scarecrow Kennels and had a great year. He turned out to be an elite, all-around gun dog, but my truck was always a mess. DECKED is ideal for securely storing and organizing my gear. The elevated deck under my cap keeps my dogs up in the breeze on hot Colorado days, and I no longer have to move stuff from the bed to the cab of my truck or garage every night.”

Check out for training tips and more amazing dogs.

DECKED truck bed storage systems for hunting:

Open DECKED and Theo SteinDuck Decoy and DECKEDDogs and Theo Stein Dogs runningTheo Stein with Shot GunDogs in truck with DECKED


DECKED side viewTheo Stein

DECKED truck bed storage systems for hunting:


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