DECKED OUT - DECKED Price Increase 1/5/21

DECKED Prices going up

Our prices have gone up but don't panic! Dive in to what the price changes actually mean for you.

DECKED Out Accessories

We never go on sale. Ever. We live by "everyday low prices" year-round to make the best damn products available, pay our workers well, take care of our customers and make sure the trains are running on time. But the world ain't gettin' any cheaper, so we are raising our prices, the first time we have raised prices in years.

Prices are up, but you are getting more!

To ease the pain and indigestion of a price increase, a DECKED OUT accessory package is now included with all DECKED Drawer System purchases. But all in all, the price tag is still higher. Each Drawer System (mid-sized and full size) will include 1 D-Box, 1 Crossbox, 1 Drawerganizer, and 2 Dividers. You can always add more accessories to your order if that's not enough.

New prices are as follows:

  • New $1,349 price for all pickup truck Drawer Systems
  • New $1,399 price for all cargo van Drawer Systems 

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