9 Items to Include in an Emergency Car Kit

9 Items to Include in an Emergency Car Kit

A well-stocked emergency car kit can mean the difference between being stranded on the side of the road and being able to safely wait for help. While many people do have some supplies in their car, only a small portion are confident that they have enough to withstand bad weather conditions.

To prepare for any situation, tailor your emergency kit to your vehicle and the weather conditions you typically drive in. Some of the most important items to include in your kit are flares or reflective triangles, jumper cables, a first aid kit, spare tire and tire-changing equipment, water and nonperishable food, a mobile phone and charger, and winterizing items for snowy weather such as snow chains and a shovel.

It's important to keep in mind that while having a well-stocked emergency car kit is important, it's also necessary to familiarize yourself with how to change a tire if needed. Keeping clean drinking water in smaller containers that will thaw faster than large jugs is also a good idea.

For nonperishable food options, consider packing granola bars, soup nuts, jerky, peanut butter, and dried fruit. Additionally, car fluids and tools like motor oil, coolant, wiper blades, and windshield washer fluid spray bottle should also be included in your kit. To make sure all of your items are easily accessible, store them together in a box or carrying case.

Having a car emergency kit is an essential part of being a responsible driver. By tailoring your kit to fit your vehicle and the weather conditions you typically drive in, you can ensure that you are prepared for anything that may come your way on the road.

Photo shows bags of equipment ready to be loaded into vehicle.

The Complete Car Emergency Kit List

When it comes to being prepared for an emergency on the road, a car emergency kit is a must-have for any driver. This kit should include essential items that will keep you and your passengers safe until help arrives, such as a first aid kit with bandages, cotton pads, medical tape, antibiotic ointment, and more. It's also important to have enough water (one gallon per person per day) and non-perishable food like granola bars and nuts in your kit.

In addition to basic supplies, it's a good idea to include tools that can help you escape if necessary, such as seat belt cutters and window breakers. A fire extinguisher can also be valuable in preventing engine fires after an accident or breakdown. A cellphone and charger should also be included in case you need to call for help. Duct tape is a versatile tool that can be used for many things, including bandaging wounds and serving as an emergency seat belt.

A roadside emergency kit is also important, and should include items like flashlights, road flares or reflective triangles, antifreeze/coolant, jumper cables, and more. During the winter months, it's important to add kitty litter for traction on slippery roads, hand warmers, and an emergency blanket to keep you warm and dry if you become stranded. Keeping all of these items stored in a duffel bag or plastic bin will ensure that they are easily accessible in case of an emergency situation on the road.

Pictured is a basic emergency kit: rope, candles, matches, multi-tool, compass, band aids, pencil, whistle, and safety pins.

Essential Components of a Car Emergency Kit

Having a well-stocked car emergency kit is a vital aspect of safe driving. A breakdown, accident, or weather emergency can happen at any time, and being prepared can make a big difference in ensuring your safety and well-being. The following are some essential items to include in your car emergency kit, based on the advice of several sources:

Jump Starter or Portable Battery

One of the most important items to include in your car emergency kit is a jump starter or portable battery. This will allow you to jumpstart your car if the battery is dead, without having to wait for assistance. A jump starter is a compact and portable device that is easy to use and will quickly get your car up and running again. When choosing a jump starter, look for one with a high battery capacity, quick charging times, and multiple charging ports for other devices.

Jumper Cables

Jumper cables are a must-have item in any car emergency kit. These cables are used to jumpstart a car when the battery is dead, by connecting the battery of a working vehicle to the dead battery. When choosing jumper cables, look for ones with heavy-duty, insulated clamps and a long enough cable to reach from one car to the other. Make sure to also familiarize yourself with how to use jumper cables in case of an emergency.

Tire Repair Kit and Air Compressor

A tire repair kit and air compressor are also essential items to include in your car emergency kit. A tire repair kit will allow you to fix a flat tire on the spot, without having to wait for assistance. A good kit should include a puncture sealant, a tire gauge, and a compressor to pump up the tire. An air compressor is a handy device to have in case you need to inflate a tire that is running low on air. Choose an air compressor that is compact, portable, and easy to use, with a high-volume output and multiple nozzle attachments.

First Aid Kit

A first aid kit is a must-have item in any car emergency kit. This kit should contain basic supplies such as bandages, gauze, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers, as well as any prescription medications you may need. Make sure also to include a first aid manual or guide, so that you know how to use the supplies in the kit. A first aid kit can help you treat minor injuries and illnesses, and can make a big difference in ensuring your safety and well-being during an emergency.

Flashlight and extra batteries

A flashlight is a crucial item to have in your car emergency kit. It can be used to signal for help or to help you see in the dark. Make sure to pack extra batteries to ensure that the flashlight stays powered for as long as you need it.

Multi-tool and pliers

A multi-tool and pliers can come in handy in various emergency situations. A multi-tool can cut seat belts, remove screws, open cans or bottles, or to help with other tasks that may arise. A multi-tool is a versatile and compact tool that can help you in a variety of ways.

Water and non-perishable food

Having access to water and non-perishable food is crucial in an emergency situation. Pack enough water to last each person for at least one day, and bring non-perishable food items such as granola bars, nuts, crackers, or dried fruit. These items will provide you with energy and sustenance if you're stuck in your car for a longer period of time.

Blanket and extra clothing

A blanket and extra clothing can be lifesavers in an emergency situation, especially during cold or inclement weather. A warm blanket can keep you comfortable and protected from the elements, while extra clothing can provide additional insulation and protection. Pack a hat, gloves, and a jacket or sweater to ensure that you're prepared for any weather situation.

Photo shows male adjusting his equipment in the back of his vehicle.

Customizing Your Car Emergency Kit

Preparing for any situation on the road is key to ensuring your safety in case of a breakdown or emergency. A well-stocked car emergency kit can make a big difference in keeping you and your passengers safe until help arrives. When making an effective kit, it is important to consider the type of vehicle you have, the climate and weather conditions in which you typically drive, and your personal preferences and needs.

When building your emergency kit, make sure to consider the essential items that are crucial to have in any emergency situation. This includes flares or reflective triangles, jumper cables, a first-aid kit, spare tire and tire-changing equipment, water and nonperishable food, a mobile phone and charger, and winterizing items for snowy weather such as snow chains and a shovel. In addition to these basic supplies, it is important to include tools that can help you escape in case of an emergency, such as seat belt cutters and window breakers. It is also a good idea to have a fire extinguisher on hand to prevent engine fires from starting.

To make the most of your emergency kit, it is important to store all items together in a box or carrying case that is easily accessible. Additionally, it is important to familiarize yourself with how to use each item in your kit and to keep it well-stocked and organized, replacing items as needed. Regular maintenance for your vehicle and knowing how to change a tire can also help prevent emergencies from occurring in the first place.

Storing your Car Emergency Kit

In the event of a car breakdown, having a well-stocked emergency car kit can give you peace of mind and help keep you and your passengers safe until help arrives. It's important to store your emergency kit in a place that is easily accessible in case you need it quickly. Here are some options for storing your kit:

Trunk of Your Car

One of the most common places to store a car emergency kit is in the trunk of your vehicle. This location makes it easy to access the supplies you need in case of an emergency. However, it's important to keep your kit organized and in a place where it won't get in the way when you need to access other items in your trunk.

Under the Seat or in a Side Compartment

If you have limited space in your trunk, you can also consider storing your kit under your seat or in a side compartment in your vehicle. This location is also easily accessible and helps to keep your supplies within reach in case of an emergency.

Consider a Portable Emergency Kit Bag

Another option for storing your car emergency kit is to invest in a portable emergency kit bag. These bags are designed specifically for this purpose and often come with multiple compartments and pockets to keep your supplies organized and easily accessible. Portable emergency kit bags are also easy to move from one vehicle to another, making them a convenient option for those who use multiple vehicles.

Regular Maintenance and Checking of Your Kit

Regardless of where you store your car emergency kit, it's important to perform regular maintenance and checking to make sure all of the supplies are still in good condition and that you have everything you need. This is especially important if you live in a location that experiences extreme weather conditions. Consider replenishing your supplies once a year and decluttering what may no longer work properly or has expired. Learning how to change a flat tire or use jumper cables can also be helpful in case of an emergency.

Person viewing his diy emergency kit

9 Items to Include in an Emergency Car Kit

An emergency car kit is a must-have for every driver. It can make the difference between a manageable situation and an emergency in the event of a breakdown. Unfortunately, only 58% of people have some emergency supplies in their cars, but only 30% are confident that what they have is sufficient if bad weather strikes. To ensure that you are prepared for any emergency, it's important to tailor your kit to fit the type and condition of your vehicle, as well as the weather conditions in which you typically drive.

Some essential items to include in your emergency car kit are:

  • Flares or reflective triangles
  • Jumper cables
  • A first-aid kit
  • Spare tire and tire-changing equipment
  • Water and nonperishable food
  • Mobile phone and charger
  • Winterizing items for snowy weather such as snow chains and a shovel

It's also important to familiarize yourself with how to change a tire if needed, keep clean drinking water in smaller containers that will thaw faster than large jugs, and consider nonperishable food options like granola bars, soup nuts, jerky, peanut butter, and dried fruit. Additionally, included car fluids and tools like motor oil and coolant, wiper blades, and windshield washer fluid spray bottle in your kit. Store all the items together in a box or carrying case that is easily accessible in case you need it quickly.

The Complete Car Emergency Kit List

A car emergency kit is an essential tool for every driver. It's important to have it ready in case you encounter a situation such as a flat tire, winter storm, or regional emergency. A good first aid kit should include with bandages, cotton pads, medical tape, antibiotic ointment, and more to deal with any injuries or ailments while driving. It's also crucial to have enough water (one gallon per person per day) and non-perishable food like granola bars and nuts in your car survival kit.

In addition to the basic supplies, include tools that can help you escape if needed, such as seat belt cutters and window breakers. A fire extinguisher can also be very useful after an accident or breakdown to prevent engine fires from starting. A cellphone and charger should always be included so that you can call for help if needed. Duct tape is also a versatile tool that can be used for many things, including bandaging wounds and serving as an emergency seat belt.

Lastly, it's important to have a roadside emergency kit ready with items such as flashlights, road flares or reflective triangles, antifreeze/coolant, jumper cables, and much more. During the winter months, it's important to add kitty litter for traction during slippery conditions and hand warmers along with an emergency blanket which can keep you warm and dry in case of a winter storm while stranded on the road side.

Keeping all these items stored in an easy-to-grab duffel bag or plastic bin will ensure that they are easily accessible if needed during an emergency situation on the road.


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