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Justin Lee

Justin Lee in his DECKED Gear pulling his speargun out of his DECKED Drawer System in Hawaii.

Best known for being a National Spearfishing Champion and roster athlete for the USA National Spearfishing team, Justin Lee is also equally a lot of other things. Bowhunter. Surfer. Mentor. Family man. By any standard, he’s the sheer definition of “getting after it.” Justin lives with his wife and two children on Hawaii’s big island in his boyhood hometown of Honoka'a.

Justin Lee grilling up some grub for his wife and kids on the beach.
Justin Lee just breaking out of the water with a fish on the tip of his speargun.
Justin Lee showing off his fish tattoos in his garage.
Justin Lee in camp pulling his bow out of his DECKED Drawer System.
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Justin Lee with his archery whitetail.
Justin Lee and his kids with his daily catch, that is taller than either of his kids.
Justin Lee surfing the tunnel of a wave in Hawaii.