
RAM 1500 TRX

The world’s most over-the-top company car: a tastefully modified Ram 1500 TRX.


Not every brand has the cojones to purchase what is essentially an off-the-shelf pissed off drag racer for a pickup truck. As the old saying goes, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. But once you get behind the wheel of the RAM TRX, good reason and logic quickly leave the chat.

For this piece we are interviewing Greg Randolph from the marketing dept, most famously known for inventing the truck nut air freshener and infamously regarded for somehow getting the DECKED CFO to sign a lease agreement on the aforementioned pickup truck.

Truck overview:

The RAM TRX is a fire breathing 6.2 liter supercharged and intercooled gas guzzler producing 702hp with 650 lb-ft of torque, goes 0-60 in 3.7 seconds (that’s faster than the Porsche Cayman 718 GT4), and boasts 13 inches of travel which is more than enough to get off the ground and into a mugshot.

Build Specs:


  • Bilstein Blackhawk e2 with remote nitrogen charged reservoirs and variety of live valve settings which use electronic algorithm to continuously monitor vehicle speed, throttle position, brake torque, steering angle, and more


  • Method 318 in Method Bronze


  • BF Goodrich All-Terrain T/A KO3


  • Addictive Desert Designs Offroad Ram TRX PRO Bolt-On Front Bumper

Bed Topper:

  • GoFast Campers Platform Topper


  • Baja Designs OnX6 Light Bar
  • Baja Designs LP6 pro LED; 2 amber driving combo, 1 clear spot, 1 clear driving combo

DECKED Products:

  • Drawer System
  • D-Co Bin (no lid), D-Co Halfrack case, D-Co Sixer case, BOXO Tool Roll, Drawerganizer
  • Traction Mat
  • CargoGlide 600 driver’s side for bikes in the summer and other stuff like hockey bags in the winter
  • 8 tie down mounts


The TRX with its GoFast Camper open, revealing all of the DECKED gear inside.
Chopper pulling out his CargoGlide 600 with a cooler on top.
A close-up of the Method 318 tires in Method Bronze.
A shot of the front grill of the TRX, equipped with the Baja Designs OnX6 Light Bar.
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Why a TRX as a company car?

“Well, because it’s the most badass factory pickup truck money can buy. I originally wanted to get an F150 and slap a wide axle kit with carbon fenders and as much travel as possible without cutting the bed apart, but I wasn’t allowed to purchase a truck and was asked to lease instead. Since every soccer mom seems to driving a Raptor these days, the only thing left was the TRX. It shows really well and is a legit means by which to 'test' our products.”

What’s your build philosophy with this?

“Frankly there wasn’t much to do because the truck has almost everything you need. So aside from the Method wheels, everything I’ve added makes it either perform better or suit my needs or the company’s needs better. Not surprisingly, there aren’t a ton of aftermarket accessories for this vehicle, though, which was good for the budget but a challenge for a tinkerer”

Who approved this thing?

“Our CFO. I’m a pretty good negotiator. He’s a pretty cool dude.”

What’s the sketchiest thing you’ve done in it?

“At first just passing a car. I nearly ran over it not having a feel for how much juice you get from stepping on the pedal. After that… what’s not going to get me fired. Hmm. Lots of donuts, on all types of surfaces. I’ve jumped it. It felt like I was 50 feet off the ground, but it was probably more like three. Apparently you can do a wheelie in it, but I never have. Also, while I was out of town, the social media team decided to test the launch mode. So maybe ask them.

What’s Your favorite thing about this truck?

“Probably hearing it fire up. It’s throaty and you know not a fabricated exhaust sound. My neighbors hate it. My wife hates it. But, for one neighbor, who’s an OG American metal fan, hearing it cold start in the morning is the best part of his day. This one’s for you, Lance.”

Any other good stories?

“Yea I got pulled over for accidentally going like 90mph in a 55 way out in the countryside of Oregon on an empty highway. The State Patroller looked at the registration and asked me what kind of company leases a TRX. When I told him I was from DECKED he was super stoked and that they had just ordered 10 Drawer Systems for their new fleet of Pursuit F150’s. He still wrote me a ticket but let me off from what was basically a felony to a 10mph over saving me a court appearance and a fair amount of grief. Thanks officer LP!”

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