Overland Expo Mtn West 2023

Overland Expo Mtn West 2023

It started off wet and just got better from there.

Overland Expo Mtn West in Loveland, CO reminds us that summer is tipping towards fall, but stoke was high and vibes were positive all weekend. Heavy rain on Friday made tents and awnings more popular than ever. Once the storm cleared, we were able to hunt down a ton of Drawer Systems in other exhibitor's booths. DECKED: the choice of the pros!

DECKED booth included a Toyota Tundra with branded truck wrap

One of our company rigs was on the scene, DECKED out with free beer coozies and a CargoGlide mounted on top of the Drawer System for ultimate ease of access.

DECKED branded stickers, coozies, and clothing on a tabletop

Wherever we go, people ask the same thing: "Can I have one of those?" You sure can! Swag for days at our booth.

GMC Sierra AT4 pickup truck with DECKED Drawer System installed in bed

The big dogs at GMC decided to outfit their new Sierra HD AT4X AEV with a DECKED Drawer System. This truck was fully loaded with all the bells and whistles we could think of, and a few more on top of that.

Toyota Tacoma with DECKED Drawer System open wide

DECKED amiga and Tacomaniac Redhead Jess was present once again at the Leitner Designs booth.

Drawer System in red pickup bed

RedArc brought a juiced F-150. Their systems provide reliable power whether you're still on the grid or hundreds of clicks off it.

GoFastCamper installed over a DECKED Drawer System

Another big name in the overlanding world, Go Fast Campers, rocked a well-used Drawer System in one of their display trucks. That dirt lets you know the truck gets used, no pavement princesses here! Scope the camper color swatches on the forward bulkhead.

Drawer System containing D-Box with Custom Foam and other DECKED organizers

The fish whisperers at Orvis are making good use of our organizers. They've got a standard Drawerganizer and Double Drawerganizer to organize odds and ends at the head of the drawers. They trust the D-Box with Custom Foam to keep expensive reels safe over rough terrain.

Tim Muniz smiles from the bed of his Toyota Tundra

Another DECKED family member and fellow Idahoan, Tim Muniz, shows off his Toyota Tundra at the CBI Offroad booth. Idaho represent!

Tough Guy Challenge winner with his prize D-Bag

We've been giving away Drawer Systems if you can complete our Tough Guy Challenge...Ryan here didn't take the top prize, but he walked away with a brand new D-Bag for being the top challenger!

We gave away several more D-Bags and a complete Uncharted Supply Co. Emergency D-Bag to our lucky raffle winner, Mikaela R.!


Catch us in our backyard for the Panhandle Overland Rally in Sandpoint, Idaho from Sept 29-Oct 1. We'll close out this year's Overland Expo series in Virginia at OvEx East, October 6-8. Come say hi, crack a can, and grab a sticker! We'll see you on the road.

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PROfile: Matt Mendes
Bad Ass Builds: Alex Abbott

Made in the USA

100% Weatherproof

Recycled Steel

Lifetime Warranty